
The characteristics of newly hatched Parablennius marmoreus larvae obtained in captivity under controlled laboratory conditions are described. Adults were collected on the island of Cubagua (10º 49.40' 99'' N and 64º 11.59' 37'' W) Venezuela, and they were transferred to the breeding room of the ECAM UDO-NE where they were kept in circular fiberglass tanks with 20 liters of filtered seawater. The larvae hatch between 5 and 6 days (25.6-31.6 ºC) after spawning, have a total length of 2.91 ± 0.34 mm, 97 beats per minute, the mouth and anus are open, developed and pigmented eyes, small and rounded pectoral fins, peritoneal pigmentation and chromatophores in the ventral part, the larva presents active swimming.

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