
The knowledge of the diversity of leaf litter cerambycid fauna is limited, particularly in the Neotropics, where several species likely remain unreported. Most of these small and apterous beetles commonly belong to the tribe Apomecynini (Cerambycidae: Lamiinae). Herein, one new genus and two new species of Apomecynini are described and illustrated from material collected in leaf litter and subcortical habitats in Mexico: Enochlisi tlaloque sp. nov., from Cofre de Perote mountain, Veracruz, and Folilectia muye gen. & sp. nov., from Xochicoatlán, Hidalgo. The new genus differs from related taxa in divided eyes, antennomere IV longer than scape, and elytra not vermiculated or tuberculated, elongate in the apical third. Enochlisi tlaloque differs from E. micri Santos-Silva 2022 mainly in size of antennae, pronotum coarsely punctate, and elytra weakly vermiculate, with distinctive pubescent color pattern.

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