
Juveniles ofArtediellus neyelovi are described on the basis of 24 specimens (8.3–23.6 mm SL) from Hokkaido, Japan. All medial and paired fins were completely developed in all specimens. The smallest specimen (8.3 mm SL) had a slender elongated suborbital stay similar to that of adults. Specimens 8.3–10.1 mm SL had 4 preopercular spines, cirri absent on the head and body, except a very small supraorbital cirrus, and sensory canals comprising open grooves restricted to the head surface. Specimens 14.1–20.0 mm SL had complete cephalic sensory canals, and the 2nd and 3rd preopercular spines reduced. Specimens 20.8–23.6 mm SL had a nearly complete lateral line canal and exhibited most specific diagnostic characters except some cephalic cirri. The anterior 3 neural arches on both sides were separate at 8.3 mm SL, but had become fused (except for the anteriormost) at 14.3 mm SL. The anteriormost arch was not fused in an adult, 71.3 mm SL. Some juveniles had very reduced bony plates under the skin anterodorsally on the body, which were not present in adults.

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