
ABSTRACT The study of immature stages of the Lycidae family is currently limited. Only approximately 2% of the described species have documented larvae in different instars and pupae, with a focus mainly on the fauna of the Old World. During fieldwork in Hidalgo, Mexico, we collected adult pairs of Neolycus fernandezi Dugès 1878 and Rhyncheros simulans. We kept the adults in laboratory conditions and obtained the eggs and first instar larvae. The comparison of chaetotaxies between N. fernandezi and R. simulans provides useful characters for differentiating genera. Additionally, the morphological characters of the first larval were compared with those described for Lycostomus ferrugineus Fabricius, 1798, L. formosanus Pic, 1937, as well as Calopteron terminale (Say, 1823). These comparisons revealed differences in the shape of the epicranium, relationship between the length of the maxillary palpomere and mala, prementum division, prosternum amplitude, pronotum shape, and abdominal spiracular plate division. The knowledge of the immature stages of two species within the Lycini tribe is significant since the egg and first instar larval of any American species belonging to this tribe have yet to be identified.

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