
Background: Escherichia coli bacteria is an indicator of contamination in beverages. The cause of beverage contamination with Escherichia coli bacteria is food handling hygiene that does not meet the sanitary hygiene requirements of the processing area, poor hygiene during handling can cause diarrhea. Based on data from the Lepo-lepo Health Center UPTD in 2019 there were 219 cases of diarrhea until 2022 from the beginning of January to October there were 142 cases of diarrhea, in this case, cases of diarrhea in health facilities are possible to increase. This study aims to determine sanitary hygiene for the presence of Escherichia coli bacteria in iced tea drinks in food stalls in Baruga District, Kendari City in 2022. The research method uses a descriptive observational research type with laboratory analysis. The conclusion in this study regarding the hygiene of the ice tea drink handlers obtained 6 did not meet the requirements and 9 met the requirements, the sanitary hygiene of the processing place obtained 10 met the requirements and 5 did not meet the processing requirements, and the results of laboratory tests obtained 9 negative samples or no bacteria Escherichia coli and 6 positive samples contained Escherichia coli bacteria. This shows that the application of sanitary hygiene in the processing area, poor handler hygiene, especially in the application of handler hygiene, is one of the causes of bacterial contamination in iced tea drinks. Methods: his type of research is quantitative research with an observational descriptive approach with laboratory analysis to find out a description of sanitary hygiene for the presence of Escherichia coli bacteria in iced tea drinks in food stalls in Baruga District, Kendari City in 2022. The sampling technique was random sampling with a total sample size of 15 iced tea drinks. Results: The results on the hygiene variable for handlers of traders in iced tea drinks in food stalls in Baruga sub-district, Kendari city, show that 9 of the food stalls meet the requirements for handler hygiene, while 6 of them do not meet the requirements for handler hygiene. Sanitary hygiene of iced tea processing facilities located in food stalls in Baruga sub-district, Kendari City, shows that 10 food stalls meet the sanitary hygiene requirements for the processing area, while 5 of them do not meet the sanitary hygiene requirements for the processing facility. the results of laboratory tests regarding the presence of Escherichia coli bacteria in the iced tea drink, 8 samples were negative or did not contain Escherichia coli bacteria, while 7 samples were positive or contained Escherichia coli bacteria. Conclusion: in food stalls in the Baruga subdistrict, there were 6 samples contaminated with Escherichia coli bacteria with a percentage of 40.0%. hygiene for the handlers of 9 food stalls that did not meet the requirements with a percentage of 60.0% and for the sanitation of processing facilities 5 food stalls did not meet the requirements with a percentage of 33.3%.

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