
The morphology and morphogenesis of a new urostylid, Holostichides (Extraholostichides) eastensis tianjinensis subgen. nov. subspec. nov. were analyzed. The new subspecies differs from the nominotypical subspecies H. (Extraholostichides) eastensis eastensis Wang et al., 2022 by the relatively long frontoterminal row (about 60% vs. 30% of body length), colorless cortical granules (vs. dark brown), two (vs. one) parabuccal cirri, and usually an extra cirrus behind the first midventral pair (vs. lacking). Based on the difference in the frontal ciliature, we split Holostichides into two subgenera: H. (Extraholostichides) subgen. nov. (type species Holostichides eastensis Wang et al., 2022; with a short cirral row behind the middle frontal cirrus) and H. (Holostichides) Foissner, 1987 (type species Holostichides chardezi Foissner, 1987; lacking this short row). The main morphogenetic characters of the new subspecies are very similar to those of H. (Extraholostichides) eastensis eastensis except for some minor differences. Phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rDNA sequences indicate that H. (Extraholostichides) subgen. nov. is monophyletic and nested within the monophyletic genus Holostichides, which is sister to Eschaneustyla lugeri.

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