
Hemienchytraeus wuhanensissp. nov. is described from hardwood forest soil in Wuhan, China. This moderately sized enchytraeid species of 6–9 mm body length is characterized by: (1) an oesophageal appendage with tertiary branches, (2) three pairs of secondary pharyngeal gland lobes in V, VI, VII, (3) five pairs preclitellar nephridia, from 5/6 to 9/10, (4) dorsal vessel originating in clitellar segments, (5) a girdle-shaped clitellum, (6) a relatively small male reproductive apparatus without seminal vesicle, and (7) spermathecae that extend to VI–VII. DNA barcodes of paratype specimens of the new species are provided. Previous species records of Hemienchytraeus from China are critically discussed.

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