
Aim. To examine the cardiovascular remodeling parameters and osteopontin plasma level in dynamics of the candesartan therapy in patients with chronic kidney disease on the stage before dialysis Methods and results. Peculiarities of the cardiovascular remodeling were studied in 52 patients with chronic kidney disease III, IV, and V stage. Echocardiography, carotid dopplerography, and immunoassay detection of the osteopontin level were done. The predominant type of pathological left ventricular geometry was concentric hypertrophy, its prevalence increased with worsening of the renal function. The maximum level of IMT was observed at stage V of the CKD. The chronic kidney disease progression was accompanied by increased plasma levels of the osteopontin. Conclusion. Direct correlation between the concentration of the protein and the index of left ventricular mass and the intima-media thickness were detected. The therapy with candesartan during 12 weeks leads to the significant reduction of osteopontin, which can be considered as a marker of cardiovascular remodeling in patients with CKD.

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