
Summary New information on several Pyrenean troglobitic species of centipedes is given in this paper. A new species of the genus Lithobius is described: L. poneli Iorio, n. sp., found in the cave Grotte de Haiouat de Pelou (Hautes-Pyrénées). Lithobius allotyphlus Silvestri, 1908 has been found again in France after 71 years, and the only previous quotation of this species in Spain probably refers to L. typhlus Latzel, 1886. A syntype of L. reiseri Verhoeff, 1900 is examined and additional details are described for it. The Spanish species quoted as L. reiseri in the past belongs to another species, probably new but further research is necessary and it is tentatively named here “Lithobius sp. of Guipúzcoa”. A distribution map is included for each troglobitic Pyrenean endemic quoted in France, together with the bibliography. An identification key is proposed for several Lithobius rather close morphologically. A checklist of the currently known troglobitic centipedes in the Pyrenees and/or their surroundings is given.

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