
Abstr act: Topomyi,a (Suaymyi,a) lehcharlesi n. sp. is described based on male, female. pupal and larval specimens collected from Sara\vak. Malaysia. This species is very si1nilar to To. (Sua.) argenteoventralis but can be distinguis hed by the claspette and dorsomedian lo be of the 1nale gen ital ia and 5-6 unpaired large spine-like siphonal setae (la) on the larv a . I(ey words: Topomyia lehcharlesi, mosquito, Culicidae, Sarawak, Malaysia In 2006, adult male, adult female, pupae and larvae of Topomyia (Suaymyia) ar­ genteoventralis Leicester, 1908 were redescribed based on specimens collected from Gorn bak. Peninsular Malaysia (Miyagi et al., 2006). The larvae of this species are characteris tic and can be dis­ ting uished easily from any other species of the subgenus by a s iphon with 6- 8 un­ paired s trong spine-like setae. A new spe­ cies, Topomyia (Suaymyia) nepenthicola Miyagi and Toma (Miyagi and Toma, 2007) was found in Nepenthes pitcher plants from Bario Highland (approximate­ ly 1,000 m elevation). Sarawak, Malaysia. We a lso collected several interesting larvae fro m Padawan, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia in 2006. The la rvae were some­ what simi lar to To. argenteoventralis and To. nepenthicola with very long spine-like siphonal setae and large maxill ae, but the genitalia of the males from the larvae were different. 'vVe, therefore, concluded this is a new species and describe it in this

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