
Free thyroxine (FT4) in serum is routinely measured in clinical practice to diagnose and monitor thyroid disease. Due to its concentration in picomolar range and the delicate equilibrium of free and protein-bound T4, accurate measurement is challenging. As a consequence, large inter-method differences in FT4 results exists. Optimal method design and standardization of the FT4 measurement is therefore necessary. The IFCC Working Group for Standardization of Thyroid Function Tests proposed a reference system with a conventional reference measurement procedure (cRMP) for FT4 in serum. In this study, wedescribe our FT4 candidate cRMP and its validation in clinical samples. This candidate cRMP is based on equilibrium dialysis (ED) combined with determination of T4 with an isotope-dilution liquid chromatography tandem mass-spectrometry (ID-LC-MS/MS) procedure and was developed according to the endorsed conventions. Its accuracy, reliability, and comparability was investigated using human sera. It was shown that the candidate cRMP adhered to the conventions and its accuracy, precision, and robustness were adequate in serum of healthy volunteers. Our candidate cRMP measures FT4 accurately and performs well in serum matrix.

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