
The external morphology, osteology, and myology of the African fluvial genus Teleogramma are described, and its familial allocation is discussed. Teleogramma is included in the family Cichlidae by loss of a major structural association between adductor mandibulae sections 2 and w, and by having an insertion of a large ventral division of adductor mandibulae section 2 onto the anguloarticular, expanded head of the fourth epibranchial, transversus dorsalis subdivided into four parts, functionally decoupled premaxillae and maxillae, the stomach's extendible blind pouch, the left-hand exit to the anterior intestine, the first intestinal loop at the left side, two epurals, seven branched rays on each upper and lower caudal fin lobe, free first uroneural from a united element of first preural and ural vertebra, and third preural vertebra fused with its haemal spine. Seven synapomorphies supporting the monophyly of Teleogramma are indicated, including the absence of or very low supraoccipital crest, the presence of a nostril tube, nonextended supraoccipital anteriorly, absence of extensive cartilaginous cap on the anterior border of the second epibranchial, presence of a beaklike projection on the cleithrum, caudal branched slip of epaxialis that inserts onto the upper two or three branched rays on the upper lobe of the caudal fin, and flexor dorsalis superior, which inserts onto the lower four unbranched rays on the upper lobe of the caudal fin.

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