
For multivariate data, dependence beyond pair-wise can be important. This is true, for example, in using functional MRI (fMRI) data to investigate brain functional connectivity. When one has more than a few variables, however, the number of simple summaries of even third-order dependence can be un- manageably large. \Concurrence is an apparently new nonparametric method for describing high-order dependence among up to dozens of dichotomous variables (e.g., seventh-order dependence in 32 vari- ables). This method generally produces summaries of p th -order dependence of manageable size no matter how big p is. (But com- puting time can be lengthy.) For time series, this method can be applied in both the time and Fourier domains. Write each observation as a vector of 0's and 1's. A \concur- rence is a group of variables all \1 in the same observation. The collection of concurrences can be represented as a sequence of shapes (\ltration). Holes in the ltration indicate weak or negative association among the variables. The pattern of the holes in the ltration can be analyzed using computational topology. This method is demonstrated on dichotomized fMRI data. The dataset includes subjects diagnosed with ADHD and healthy con- trols. In an exploratory analysis numerous group dierences in the topology of the ltrations are found.

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