
The present paper deals with some Middle Bronze Age burials in the valley of the Black River, in south‐ eastern Transylvania, Covasna County. The material published (analyzed) came from the excavations made in the early 1910’ s and between the 1960– 1990. Some of these burials have been published already, but we considered a reevaluation as being necessary. The burial at Poian – Panta de piatră was only mentioned in a half sentence, providing no information about grave goods, context, etc. The findings at Sânzieni – Piatra de tocilă were connected to the Tumulus Culture, unknown in the studied area. We consider they belong to a Wietenberg burial, since Wietenberg pottery was discovered in the settlement layer. Another discovery connected to the Middle Bronze Age was also made at Sânzieni, in the place called Locul domnesc. One funeral urn was discovered at Turia – Groapa caprei. We have been able to identify another urn, which probably belonged to a second burial. The burials can be dated to the Wietenberg II phase since the complex decorating motifs, characterizing the IIIrd phase are totally missing. The urns were buried in the vicinity of the settlements or inside them. An exception are the burials at Turia (including the necropolis), where the closest settlement is at 900 m.

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