
Introduction. Scorpion stings occur mainly in spring and summer, with an estimate of 1.2 million cases per year worldwide. About 300,000 poisonings occur within a year, primarily affecting children and adults older than 65 years. In 2019, Guanajuato (Mexico) ranked third in poisoning by scorpion sting with a total of 43,913 cases. The intoxication grades are three where the signs and symptoms are varied. There are two types of antivenom in the Mexican market, and we use Alacramyn® in our case. Case presentation. A 70-year-old female —with grade 1 scorpion sting poisoning, 30 minutes of evolution, with type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure— received two vials of antivenom according to current regulations. She presented transient vagal reaction and subsequent transient pain in the cervical region that radiates to the sacral region. At discharge, there are no data compatible with scorpion sting poisoning. Conclusions. Transient pain in the cervical region to the sacral region may be secondary to an anxiety crisis, hypersensitivity to IgG, or secondary reaction to administration in less time than recommended by the provider. The benefit was greater than the reactions that occurred.

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