
University spaces originate entrepreneurial ideas that are usually evidenced in classroom tasks and some materialize in real ventures. This research seeks to understand through empirical evidence how the creative characteristics present in the academic environment affect the Development of Technological Maturity (TRL). It is a cross-sectional correlational research, with a quantitative, non-experimental approach, of a consecutive non-probabilistic sample obtained through an ad hoc instrument validated by expert judgment, with coverage of 77% of the Higher Education Institutions of the territory studied. Based on an exploratory factorial analysis with SPSS and a confirmatory one with AMOS, specific knowledge, motivation to undertake and the desired impact are identified as determining creative factors. At the same time, resorting to the analysis with Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), a model of normalized importance of the factors with 67.2% assertiveness is proposed. Los espacios universitarios originan ideas emprendedoras que suelen evidenciarse en tareas de aula y algunas se materializan en emprendimientos reales. Esta investigación busca comprender mediante evidencia empírica como las características creativas presentes en el entorno académico inciden sobre el Desarrollo de Madurez Tecnológica (TRL). Es una investigación de alcance correlacional transversal, con enfoque cuantitativo, no experimental, de muestra no probabilística consecutiva obtenida mediante instrumento ad hoc validado por juicio de expertos, con cobertura del 77% las Instituciones de Educación Superior del territorio estudiado. A partir de un análisis factorial exploratorio con SPSS y uno confirmatorio con AMOS se identifican como factores creativos determinantes los conocimientos específicos, la motivación para emprender y el impacto buscado. Paralelamente recurriendo al análisis con Redes Neuronales Artificiales (RNA) se propone un modelo de importancia normalizada de los factores con el 67.2% de asertividad.

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