
<span>A simple method to measure a solution refractive index using fixed mirror refractive optical <span>fiber sensor has been investigated. The solution used are sugar and salt solution, with concen<span>tration varies from 1M to 5M. The diameter of polymer optical fiber used is 0.5 mm and light <span>source used is LED (λ=676 nm). The sensor work based on light intensity modulation, sub <span>jected to mechanical structure change of the fiber due to an applied force. The result showed <span>that the concentration of sugar and salt linearly are related with their refractive indeces <span>(R<span>2<span>=0,95006) and (R<span>2<span>=0,99858).</span></span></span></span></span></span><br /></span></span></span></span></span>

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