
Issues of Liberation Education for children with special needs (Heward), (Wiyani 2014: 2) become a n interesting phenomenon that requires educational innovation. the philosophy of ABK education innovation is liberation both physically and psychologically, as human beings. Bandhie Delphie (2012: 2) revealed that children with special needs have their own learning characteristics and specificities. Likewise, children with special needs at the Leleani PLB school and Pelita Kasih Ambon. They need a pattern of liberation education as a way of humanization. The purpose of this paper is to design liberation education to find patterns of education that free children with special needs. The implication is that every child will accept his existence as a free human being, an independent human being, especially a humanist person. The method used to collect and analyze problems based on research data is qualitative with a descriptive approach whose results are dialogue and communication with love and affection. Apart from that consientization (Freire, 1984: 41) self as a human being. The conclusion of liberation education through dialogue and communication in love and affection and the effort to build self-awareness of children with special needs is the design of liberation education for children with special needs as a way to discover the human nature of themselves as human beings.


  • Issues of Liberation Education for children with special needs (Heward), (Wiyani 2014: 2) become a n interesting phenomenon that requires educational innovation. the philosophy of ABK education innovation is liberation both physically and psychologically, as human beings

  • They need a pattern of liberation education as a way

  • The implication is that every child will accept his existence as a free human being

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Lourine Sience Joseph*

Children with special needs at the Leleani PLB school and Pelita Kasih Ambon They need a pattern of liberation education as a way of humanization. Simpulannya pendidikan pembebasan dengan jalan dialog dan komunikasi dalam cinta dan kasih sayang serta upaya membangun kesadaran diri anak berkebutuhan khusus adalah desain pendidikan pembebasan bagi anak berkebutuhan khusus sebagai jalan menemukan hakikat kemanusiaan dirinya sebagai manusia yang humanis. Issue Pendidikan Pembebasan bagi anak berkebutuhan khusus (anak dengan kelainan khusus) menjadi suatu fenomena menarik di era global dewasa ini, dan bukan lagi menjadi hal baru yang diberbincangkan dalam dunia pendidikan. Akhmad (2011) Fakta empiris yang terjadi di Yayasan Leleani dan Pelita Kasih adalah proses pembebasan bagi anak didik, menjadi hal yang utama, namun masalahnya, guru kurang memiliki model penanganan permasalahan belajar bagi anak didik.

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