
Public service advertising is one of the government strategies to promote the development program. At the national level, the government prefers television as a medium for advertising. As for the local level, the government usually tend to choose lower-cost ads. In Banyumas, many public service announcements using outdoor media such as billboards, banners, or posters. Characteristics of outdoor media that promotes design in attracting the attention of an audience became a challenge for designers. On the other hand, the messages also require the space in public service announcements. This study wants to know about how the execution of the design of outdoor advertising services in the community in efforts to combine the design with a message to be delivered. The study, sought to examine aspects of the design using the composition interpretation methods and verbal composition of outdoor advertising with discourse analysis methods.This research concludes that the government public service announcements desain still needs to be improved according to the rules of visual communication design.

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