
Electric vehicles are currently being developed with the concept of saving energy and environmentally responsible. Electric vehicles use electric motors as the main driving motor. The electric motor which is currently increasingly used is the Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) motor. The BLDC motor controller is more expensive than the price of the BLDC motor itself. The BLDC motor controller has a working temperature range when working. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of variations in load values and the speed of electric vehicles on the temperature of the BLDC motor controller. This research was conducted by the experimental method by giving a treatment, then evaluating the effect caused on an object of research. The results showed that there was an influence of load value variations on the BLDC motor controller temperature. Values that look significant are at speeds of 0.5 m/sec and 2.5 m/sec starting from 3 kg to 5 kg. There is no influence on the variation of speed values on the temperature of the BLDC motor controller. The temperature value is stable at 2 kg and 3 kg loads with speed variations from 0.5 m/sec to 2.5 m/sec. Simultaneously variations in load and speed values affect the temperature of the BLDC motor controller by 57.7% with the lowest temperature value at 0.5 m/s and a load of 1 kg with a temperature of 33.34℃ and the highest temperature value at a speed of 2.5 m/sec and a load of 5 kg with a temperature of 37.58℃. Keywords: Electric vehicles, controllers, BLDC motors, temperature.


  • Kendaraan listrik saat ini sedang terus dikembangkan dengan mengusung konsep hemat energi dan ramah lingkungan

  • The results showed that there was an influence of load value variations on the Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) motor controller temperature

  • [9] Widiantoro, M dan Rohman, F

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Tinjauan Teoritis

Motor BLDC salah satu jenis motor yang saat ini meningkat popularitasnya. Motor BLDC memiliki beberapa keuntungan dari pada motor DC diantaraya adalah karakteristik kecepatan dan torsi yang lebih baik, respon dinamik yang tinggi, efisiensi tinggi, masa pakai yang lama, tidak berisik saat motor bekerja, dan jangkauan kecepatan yang lebih tinggi [10]. BLDC dan PMSM memiliki struktur yang sama dan dapat dikendalikan dengan metode six-step maupun metode PWM [10]. Odrive adalah salah satu kontroler motor BLDC yang dikembangkan oleh Oskar Weigl Bersama tim odriverobotic. Kontroler ini memiliki kelebihan yaitu dapat mengatur torsi, kecepatan, kontrol posisi, dan trajectory planning. Odrive juga dilengkapi dengan dua tipe braking modes yaitu regenerative braking dan brake resistor. Odrive saat ini tersedia dengan versi 24V dan 48V. Kontroler ini juga menerapkan open source dalam pengembangannya sehingga semua orang mendapat akses software maupun hardware.

Metode Penelitian
Hasil dan Pembahasan
Kendali Kecepatan Pada Motor BLDC
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