
Flood Canal was built to reduce the impact of flood during the rainy season that is river catching / times that passes in The Special Areas of The Capital of Jakarta and can accommodate the flood from Depok and Bogor. The city government is also building a mass transportation mode in Jakarta that integrates railway lines, light rail transit, roads, busway and subway networks targeted for completion in 2017 and will be integrated with the outer ring train, but if the floods are partially paralyzed. For this reason, it is necessary to empower the Flood Canal function as an alternative transportation infrastructure that is environmentally friendly water bus with a capacity of 30 passengers that can operate even in flood condition. A number of preliminary studies of water buses of earlier models and concepts have been conducted to obtain a suitable and feasible prototype to operate in the flow of West and East Canal Floods. To obtain a good water bus size calculation based on comparison ratio, general arrangement design, hull form design with CAD, hydrostatic calculation, engine power estimate and determination of required energy, stability calculation. The goal is as an environmentally friendly alternative transportation mode, with the advantage of being able to operate even in flood situations. It is expected to change the customs of the community for the canal to be the front of the house instead of the back of the house.


  • PENDAHULUAN Komitmen Pemprov DKI Jakarta mengembangkan sarana dan prasarana transportasi bertujuan mengurangi kemacetan lalu lintas, diharapkan waktu tempuh transportasi dapat dipersingkat

  • Flood Canal was built to reduce the impact of flood during the rainy season that is river catching

  • times that passes in The Special Areas of The Capital

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13 Marunda

Kanal Banjir Timur (KBT) telah selesai sejak akhir tahun 2010. Proyek Kanal Banjir Timur dapat menampung beberapa kali atau sungai di sekitar KBT seperti menampung aliran Kali Cipinang, Kali Sunter, Kali Buaran, Kali Jati Kramat dan Kali Cakung. Daerah operasi bis air untuk Kanal Banjir Timur dari Kelurahan Cipinang sampai ke Kelurahan Pulo Gebang atau dari Kelurahan Pulo Gebang menuju Kelurahan Marunda Jakarta Utara. C. Tinggi dan ukuran jembatan yang melintasi kanal. Rekomendasi standar penentuan ukuran pokok kapal (bis air) maksimum oleh jurnal ESCAP (Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pasific) yaitu hasil studi yang dilakukan oleh Delf, bidang Hydrodinamycc, dari Netherlands tentang ratio kapal-kapal yang beroperasi di kanal, seperti tabel di bawah ini: Tabel 2. 2. Lebar bis air tergantung dari bagian-bagian yang menonjol pada lebar kanal. Ukuran utama (main dimension) sebuah kapal (bis air) meliputi panjang (L), lebar (B), tinggi (H), sarat (T), koefisien bentuk, berat kapal kosong (Lwt) dan daya angkut (Dwt). Sedangkan untuk ratio perbandingan ukuran pokok kapal (bis air), ditunjukkan pada tabel 3, di bawah ini: Tabel 3. Kegunaan kurva bonjean antara lain untuk: perhitungan peluncuran kapal dan perhitungan rencana kapasitas

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