
Are agribusiness activities capable of stimulating specific dynamics based on proximity effects? The Localized Agrifood Systems (LAS) approach aims to bring answers to this question by mobilizing two dimensions of proximity. The first one concerns sectorial proximity: a number of initiatives in the agricultural and food world indeed express themselves through varied forms of cooperation, bringing about interaction between firms. The second relies on spatial proximity, as access to agricultural resources often imposes territorial anchoring. Our contribution is grounded on a study led in France on fifteen LAS experiments. The theoretical framework is based on the crossing of the local productive system approach on the one hand and the analysis of collective strategies on the other hand. This referential aims to view the LAS as original forms of cooperation grounded on sectorial proximity. The second moment in our study attempts to suggest three forms of strategic scenarios highlighting particular dynamics, thus offering combinations between territorial and sectorial proximities, according to variable degrees of intensity.

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