
Background: Superficial mycoses or superficial cutaneous fungal infections are the most common mycotic infections worldwide, which involve outermost covering of skin and its appendages like hair and nail. The patients invariably try to neglect such type of infections and seek medical attention usually for cosmetic reasons and not because of discomfort. At least 10% of world’s population has dermatophyte infection. Dermatophytes are by far the most significant cutaneous fungi because of their widespread involvement of population and their worldwide prevalence. The dermatophytes are a group of closely related keratinophillic fungi that invade keratinised tissues-skin, hair and nails of humans and animals to produce an infection called as dermatophytoses or ring worm. Dermatophytes colonise superficial dead or desquamating layers of skin and its appendages. Superficial mycoses have become a significant health problem affecting children, adolescents and adults in developing countries. The present study was planned to characterise the different dermatophytes, non dermatophytes, budding yeast like fungi and other fungi in various types of superficial mycoses cases and there distribution in urban and sub urban population. Specimens like skin, hairs and nail were collected and subjected to KOH wet mount preparation and culture on SDA further identification was done by LCB mount and slide culture technique. Out of 400 patients attending dermatology OPD various superficial fungal infection Specimens were collected and dermatophyte sps. were identified. T. tonsurans was the most common isolated spp from T.capitis. T. mentagrophytes was the most commonly isolated spp. from T.corporis. Candida sps. was isolated from T. cruris. NDM were isolated from T. pedis. From cases of T. unguium.

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