
Dermatitis vegetans cannot be accepted as a clinical entity since it occurs as a secondary manifestation in unrelated dermatoses of both benign and grave character, indicating a varied etiology. Our problem, therefore, consists in separating these various conditions, especially from the standpoint of etiology and prognosis. Hallopeau described a benign type beginning as small erythematous circular patches; millet seed-sized seropustules developed, the lesions enlarging by peripheral extension as they cleared in the center, leaving a brownish pigmentation. The case here reported (case 3) corresponded to his description in clinical detail. REPORT OF CASE M. L., a man, aged 80, was admitted to the Newark City Hospital in June, 1929. Physical examination and the general laboratory examination revealed nothing unusual. The cutaneous lesion at this time consisted of a vegetating dermatitis limited to the groins and perineum. Under treatment with antiseptic wet dressings, the patient improved and was discharged in November,

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