
Skin eruptions associated with the wearing of certain articles of clothing are not infrequently reported in medical literature. Frequently the cause of dermatitis produced in this way is correctly attributed to one or more of the dyes employed in coloring the fabric. Recently a report has appeared<sup>1</sup>which indicates that in certain cases the inciting agents may be substances employed to "finish" the cloth; that is, to soften the fibers or to give the fabric a "crunchy" texture. The finishes used on men's socks are said usually to consist of sulphonated oils or fats, ordinarily sulphonated castor oil or sulphonated olive oil, either alone or mixed with such products as mineral oils, unsulphonated oils and borax. Sulphonated oils are also employed on wool to "fluff" the material. Women's hosiery may be treated with starches, gums or gelatins or with japan wax, beeswax, paraffin or other waxes to render the

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