
Mons Rümker is a preferred candidate landing region for China's Chang'e-5 (CE-5) mission, from where it is of great significance to select safe landing areas. Lunar terrain factors from Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data, limited by their low resolutions (~10 m/pixel), are inapplicable to evaluating the lunar landing area safety, in spite of the fact that lunar remote sensing imagery has higher resolution (~50 cm/pixel). In this paper, we extracted terrain factors in divided square girds by the aid of the high-resolution Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Narrow-angle Camera (NAC) images, namely, flat area percentage (Fap), distribution pattern of uneven objects (NNI) based on the double-threshold Otsu method, and roughness based on gray level histogram analysis. Mons Rümker can be divided into four geological units, named as LD, B1, B2, and B3, respectively. Unit B1 has a higher roughness and a lower Fap. Unit B2 and B3 are characterized with the highest Fap and the lowest roughness. NNIs of Unit B1, B2, and B3 are >1 while LD's is <1. Thus, the distribution patterns of uneven objects in Unit LD are clustered but dispersed in all Unit B1, B2, and B3. This paper tends to take Fap and roughness as the main terrain factors to evaluate the safety for CE-5 landing in Mons Rümker with NNI being a supplement to Fap. According to Standard 1–3 mentioned in this paper, we would classify the divided square grids of the Mons Rümker region as the safe or unsafe areas, and then discriminate five potential landing areas for CE-5 probe safe landing.

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