
Formal Methods are very tough subject to Software Engineering student. It happens because of the mathematics involvement during software development. Students normally feel very difficult to derive formal specification from informal requirement. The problem always happen is to derive the Z notation in the formal specification. The formal specification is all about the operation inside the requirement needed from the customer using mathematical statement. If there do not know the logic of the operation the notation might goes wrong. In this paper, we propose an approach to deriving formal specifications from informal requirement using venn diagram for creating formal specification in term of training environment to make our student understand. The venn diagram that we use is purposely for the basic level. It is used to visualize in the branch of mathematics known as set theory. It shows all of the possible mathematical or logical relationships between sets groups of things. With this venn diagram they can visualize the operation of their notation. To show how to implement the venn diagram we chose a case study. We show how to convert the Venn diagram to formal specification which is the important part during development of Z schema. Then, we do an analysis of an assignment given to a group of student to know whether the venn diagram is really helpful for them or not.

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