
Guanidination of the epsilon-amino group of lysine-terminated tryptic peptides can be accomplished selectively in one step with O-methylisourea hydrogen sulfate. This reaction converts lysine residues into more basic homoarginine residues. It also protects the epsilon-amino groups against unwanted reaction with sulfonation reagents, which can then be used to selectively modify the N-termini of tryptic peptides. The combined reactions convert lysine-terminated tryptic peptides into modified peptides that are suitable for de novo sequencing by postsource decay matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry. The guanidination reaction is very pH dependent. Product yields and reaction kinetics were studied in aqueous solution using either NaOH or diisopropylethylamine as the base. Methods are reported for derivatizing and sequencing lysine-terminated tryptic peptides at low pmole levels. The postsource decay (PSD) MALDI tandem mass spectra of a model peptide (VGGYGYGAK), the homoarginine analog and the sulfonated homoarginine analog are compared. These spectra show the influence that each chemical modification has on the peptide fragmentation pattern. Finally, we demonstrate that definitive protein identifications can be achieved by PSD MALDI sequencing of derivatized peptides obtained from solution digests of model proteins and from in-gel digests of 2D-gel separated proteins.

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