
We present a Keldysh-based derivation of a formula, previously obtained by Oguri using the Matsubara formalisum, for the linear conductance through a central, interacting region coupled to non-interacting fermionic leads. Our starting point is the well-known Meir-Wingreen formula for the current, whose derivative w.r.t.\ to the source-drain voltage yields the conductance. We perform this derivative analytically, by exploiting an exact flow equation from the functional renormalization group, which expresses the flow w.r.t.\ voltage of the self-energy in terms of the two-particle vertex. This yields a Keldysh-based formulation of Oguri's formula for the linear conductance, which facilitates applying it in the context of approximation schemes formulated in the Keldysh formalism. (Generalizing our approach to the non-linear conductance is straightforward, but not pursued here.) -- We illustrate our linear conductance formula within the context of a model that has previously been shown to capture the essential physics of a quantum point contact in the regime of the 0.7 anomaly. The model involves a tight-binding chain with a one-dimensional potential barrier and onsite interactions, which we treat using second order perturbation theory. We show that numerical costs can be reduced significantly by using a non-uniform lattice spacing, chosen such that the occurence of artificial bound states close to the upper band edge is avoided.

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