
The Protocol for the Derivation of Environmental and Human Health Soil Quality Guidelines of the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment was used to prepare preliminary Environmental Soil Quality Guidelines (SQGE) for 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT). A thorough literature search led to the compilation of the existing toxicological data. Calculated Environmental Soil Quality Guidelines for TNT are SQGE=0.02 mg/kg (preliminary value) for agricultural land use and 86 mg/kg for residential/park, commercial/industrial land use. Because of the lack of sufficient scientific information on the effects of TNT in soil on microbial processes, this type of evaluation was not possible. For oral toxicological data, laboratory animals were used instead of grazing and foraging species to determine the ingestion guideline since no related literature was found. Furthermore, this work has led to the identification of avenues of future research necessary to complete the task at hand. The research should focus on specific studies involving direct contact between the organisms and the soil, in order to: (1) develop a database of effects of TNT on microbial processes, (2) study the effects of TNT ingestion on birds and grazing herbivores, (3) determine plant bioconcentration factors, and (4) observe in situ the toxic effects after direct contact exposure.

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