
Abstract The new Radiation Protection Ordinance (RPO) in Germany which transforms the EURATOM Basic Safety Standards into national legislation contains detailed regulations on clearance. For each of the following clearance options, a separate set of clearance levels (CL) exists: unconditional clearance, clearance of building rubble (> 1000 Mg/a), clearance of buildings for demolition and for reuse, clearance of nuclear sites, and clearance for disposal or incineration. This paper outlines the basis for the derivation of these sets of CL which are all based on generic radiological scenarios taking into account all relevant aspects of the materials. The underlying dose criterion is 10 μSv/a individual dose and 1 man·Sv/a collective dose. When deriving sets of CL in Germany care has been taken to be compatible with recommendations of the European Union and the IAEA. It is a common experience that sets of CL which are intended for the same purpose (e.g. general, unconditional clearance) may vary between studies and therefore between countries. This follows directly from differences e.g. in material quantities, boundary conditions, waste management options etc. which may be country specific. German CL are, however, in full agreement with all recommendations issued by the European Commission.

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