
Terrorists in Indonesia arise due to the degree of subjectivity of the interpretation of Islam in religious groups. To this is added the problem of interaction with foreign cultures that have other viewpoints on the teachings of Islam. This study aims to describe the role of the Foundation Education of “Peace Circle” in conducting moderation education for former terrorists. This research uses a social definition paradigm, a qualitative approach, with a phenomenological type of research. With phenomenological analysis, the results are as follows: The presence of Peace Circle Foundation (PCF) is interpreted and felt by former convicts as a place of refuge and hope for spiritual and non-spiritual support for the future life. The insight and understanding of Islam provided are overly broad and thorough, and the skills and training are very real and functional. As a result, the subject is no longer radical and angry with the government. All subjects were happy with PCF’s presence to handle the healing and help of ex-terrorist convicts who had carried out disengagement.

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