
SUMMARY The Micos Population–cave fish in statu nascendi or hybrid? Observations on the evolution of cavernicoles The Micos-Cave in the Sierra de la Colmena in the State of San Luis Potosi, Mexico, contains a cavernicolous population of Astyanax mexicanus, whose members are for the most part blind, but, in contrast to other cave dwelling populations of the same species, appear almost normal in their pigmentation. Besides these, there are also large eyed and pigmented specimens to be found in this cave. Any transitional stages between the blind and the normal visioned fish are lacking. Offspring of the blind cavernicoles that are raised under light conditions develop a superficially lying eye which is markedly smaller than normal, attaining its size proportional to the light-intensity of the experimental conditions. The size and structure of the eye-remnants of the blind fish as well as the eyes of their offspring are considerably more variable than in the river specimens. Crossings of the blind Micos fish with the river fish Astyanax and also with a blind and unpigmented troglobiont of the same species - Sabinos fish - result in both cases in a more or less intermediate F1-hybrid. A strict inbreeding within the Micos fish, selecting specimens with especially large eyes, produced animals whose eyes are comparable to those of the river fish after only three offspring generations. Electrophoresis studies on the allozyme variability at various loci prove that the Micos fish is genetically only slightly different compared to the river fish. On the other hand in some allele frequencies there is an alternative variation between the two. The Micos fish also differs from the typical troglobionts which are monomorphic at almost all loci examined and also possess alleles that are not found in the river form. Based on the genetic constitution, the Micos fish and the river fish found in the cave do not form a panmictic population. It is also doubtful that the Micos fish is the progeny of a hybrid swarm which previously resulted from a cross between a real troglobiont and the newly arrived river fish, because the Micos fish is in every characteristic genetically very similar to the river fish, whereas no clear traces of troglobiont relationship are found. Thus the Micos fish actually appears to be a cave form in statu nascendi against which the river fish that find their way in from time to time cannot compete.

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