
Approximately 400,000 line kilometers of high quality, low level Arctic aeromagnetic data collected by the Naval Research Laboratory, the Naval Oceanographic Office and the Naval Ocean Reseach and Development Activity from 1972 through 1978 have been analyzed for depth to magnetic source. This data set covers much of the Canada Basin, the Alpha Ridge, the central part of the Makarov Basin, the Lincoln Sea, the Eurasia Basin west and south of the 55°E meridian and the Norwegian-Greenland Sea north of the Jan Mayen Fracture Zone. The analysis uses the autocorrelation algorithm developed by Phillips (1975, 1978) and based on the maximum entropy method of Burg (1967, 1968, 1975). The method is outlined, examples of various error analysis techniques shown and final results presented. Where possible, magnetic source depth estimates are compared with basement depths derived from seismic and bathymetric data. All major known bathymetric features, including Vesteris Bank and the Greenland, Molloy and Spitsbergen fracture zones, as well as the Mohns, Knipovich and Nansen spreading ridges and the Alpha Cordillera appear as regional highs in the calculated magnetic basement topography. Shallow basement was also found under the northeastern Yermak Plateau, the Morris Jesup Rise and under the southern (Greenland-Ellesmere Island) end of the Lomonsosov Ridge. Regional magnetic source deeps are associated with such bathymetric depressions as the Canada, Makarov, Amundsen, Nansen, Greenland and Lofoten basins; more localized magnetic basement deeps are found over the Molloy F.Z. deep and over the Mohns, Knipovich and Nansen rift valleys. A linear magnetic basement deep follows the extension of Nares Strait through the Lincoln Sea toward the Morris Jesup Rise, suggesting the continuation of the Nares Strait or Wegener F.Z. into the Lincoln Sea. A sharp drop in the regional magnetic source depths to the southeast of the Alpha Ridge suggests the Alpha Ridge is not connected to structures in northwest Ellesmere Island as previously postulated from high altitude aeromagnetic collected by Canadian workers. A regional deep under the east Greenland shelf west of the Greenland Escarpment suggests the presence of 5–10 km of post-Paleozoic sediments.

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