
More and more seismic surveys produce 3D seismic images in the depth domain by using prestack depth migration methods, which can present a direct subsurface structure in the depth domain rather than in the time domain. This leads to the increasing need for applications of seismic inversion on the depth-imaged seismic data for reservoir characterization. To address this issue, we have developed a depth-domain seismic inversion method by using the compressed sensing technique with output of reflectivity and band-limited impedance without conversion to the time domain. The formulations of the seismic inversion in the depth domain are similar to time-domain methods, but they implement all the elements in depth domain, for example, a depth-domain seismic well tie. The developed method was first tested on synthetic data, showing great improvement of the resolution on inverted reflectivity. We later applied the method on a depth-migrated field data with well-log data validated, showing a great fit between them and also improved resolution on the inversion results, which demonstrates the feasibility and reliability of the proposed method on depth-domain seismic data.

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