
The threatened seagrass Halophila johnsonii Eiseman coexists subtidally with H. decipiens Ostenfeld in southeastern Florida, but only H. johnsonii also oc- curs intertidally. Pulse amplitude modulated fluorome- try and fiber-optic spectrometry were used to investigate the photobiology of two populations of H. johnsonii and H. decipiens in an attempt to explain these distribution patterns. Maximum photosynthetic quantum yields (Fv/ Fm) were measured in situ as a function of depth dis- tribution within, and between, these two species at two sites (Jupiter Sound, 26� 57¢N; 80� 04¢W, and northern Biscayne Bay, 25� 55¢N; 80� 07¢W) along the east coast of Florida, USA, during 6-10 March 2001. Reciprocal transplants at the northern site were used to evaluate the plasticity of photosynthetic patterns and pigment absorption spectra and to gain insights into the mecha- nisms responsible for variations in the observed depth- distribution patterns. Subtidal-population Fv/Fm values were generally higher for H. johnsonii than for H. deci- piens, at both sites. At the northern site, intertidal H. johnsonii had significantly lower Fv/Fm (0.494±0.138) than both subtidal H. johnsonii (0.696±0.045) and subtidal H. decipiens (0.668±0.048). In contrast, at the southern site intertidal H. johnsonii had the highest Fv/ Fm (0.663±0.047) and were the largest plants. Fv/Fm values of subtidal plants of both species decreased when they were transplanted into shallow, intertidal beds. Correspondingly, Fv/Fm increased for intertidal H. johnsonii transplanted into the subtidal, 2 m deep beds. Rapid light curves indicated that H. decipiens had lower maximum relative electron transport rates (RE- TRmax) than did H. johnsonii. In addition, the onset of photoinhibition occurred at lower irradiances for H. decipiens (537-820 lmol photons m )2 s )1 ) compared to H. johnsonii (1141-2670 lmol photons m )2 s )1 ). RETRmax values decreased for intertidal H. johnsonii transplanted into subtidal beds, but they increased for both species when transplanted from subtidal to inter- tidal beds. Absorption spectra for the acetone-soluble leaf pigments of intertidal H. johnsonii exhibited a dominant peak near 345 nm; this UV peak was 30% lower for subtidal plants. Pigment absorption spectra for H. decipiens lacked the 345 nm peak and absorbances, normalized to leaf pairs, were lower across the spectrum. Our results indicate that photosynthetic tolerance to higher irradiances and presence of UV-absorbing pig- ments (UVP) in H. johnsonii may allow this species to exploit the shallowest waters without competition from the closely related, but UVP-lacking H. decipiens.

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