
Depth boundaries often lose sharpness when upsampling from low-resolution (LR) depth maps especially at large upscaling factors. We present a new method to address the problem of depth map super resolution in which a high-resolution (HR) depth map is inferred from a LR depth map and an additional HR intensity image of the same scene. We propose a Multi-Scale Guided convolutional network (MSG-Net) for depth map super resolution. MSG-Net complements LR depth features with HR intensity features using a multi-scale fusion strategy. Such a multi-scale guidance allows the network to better adapt for upsampling of both fine- and large-scale structures. Specifically, the rich hierarchical HR intensity features at different levels progressively resolve ambiguity in depth map upsampling. Moreover, we employ a high-frequency domain training method to not only reduce training time but also facilitate the fusion of depth and intensity features. With the multi-scale guidance, MSG-Net achieves state-of-art performance for depth map upsampling.

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