
In the present work we separated intrinsic from scattering attenuation coefficients both for the crust and the upper mantle in the tectonically highly active areas of the Southern‐Central Andes ‐ Nuevo Cuyo region, analyzing two groups of earthquakes, well separated in depth. This region is characterized by the presence of flat subduction. We apply MLTWA (Multiple Lapse Time Window Analysis), coda normalization and Q‐coda techniques to measure the scattering and intrinsic attenuation coefficient and the total Q for S waves. We find that intrinsic attenuation does not decrease with depth whereas scattering attenuation is higher in the crust than in the upper mantle, and that intrinsic attenuation predominates over scattering attenuation. We interpret this observation in terms of the release of water and other fluids into the overlying lithosphere due to the dynamics of the subduction process, in agreement with most of the prevalent geodynamic models.

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