
Reproductive output of green sea urchins ( Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis O.F. Müller) in the field was highest at depths where preferred macro-algae were abundant, and lowest at depths where preferred macro-algae were overgrazed or replaced by non-preferred species ( Agarum and Ptilota). Feeding rate and gonad indices of sea urchins in the laboratory were highest on a diet of preferred algae ( Fucus distichus L. subsp. edentatus (Pyl.) Powell, Laminaria longicruris Pyl., Desmarestia spp. and Saccorhiza dermatodea (Pyl.) J. Ag.), and lowest on the less preferred Agarum cribrosum (Mert.) Bory, Ptilota serrata Kütz., and crustose corallines. Gamete production/unit area in overgrazed habitats was as great or greater than in kelp beds because of the higher biomass of urchins in overgrazed areas. Gonad weight and reproductive output of urchins from habitats poor in food can be increased by providing preferred foods.

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