
SUMMARY In this study the attenuation mechanism of seismic wave energy in north central Italy is estimated using low-magnitude earthquake local data recorded at six stations managed by INGV. Most of the analysed events are located along the Alpine chain in the zone of Iseo and Garda lakes, while a minor part in the Po valley. The zone investigated is characterized by the occurrence of significantly intense earthquakes (magnitude up to 6.6) the most recent occurred in 2004 close to the city of Salo on the coast of the Garda lake (Mw= 5.0). Due to the high population density and presence of industrial activity the investigated area is characterized by a high seismic risk. First, the ordinary Multiple Lapse Time Window Analysis (MLTWA) method is applied in the assumption of uniform velocity and scattering and the couple of B0, the seismic albedo and Le−1, the extinction length inverse (corresponding to the total attenuation coefficient) is calculated in the frequency bands of 1.5, 3, 6 and 12 Hz. To retrieve more realistic estimates, the obtained values of B0 and Le−1 are corrected taking into account the effects of a depth-dependent earth model, consisting of an earth structure characterized by a transparent upper mantle and a heterogeneous crust. We find that the corrected intrinsic and scattering attenuation parameters (which are proportional to the inverse of the intrinsic/scattering quality factors, Q−1I and Q−1S) are strongly frequency dependent, with a prevalence of scattering attenuation over the intrinsic dissipation. The corrected and uncorrected values of total Q are in agreement with the total Q values obtained with different approaches for the same area.

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