
Experiments on unanesthetized rats immobilized with D-tubocurarine showed that electrical stimulation (100/sec) of the central gray matter and the mesencephalic and medullary reticular formation considerably depressed potentials in the somatic thalamic relay nucleus and somatosensory cortex evoked by stimulation of the forelimb or medial lemniscus. The mean threshold values of the current used for electrical stimulation of these structures did not differ significantly and were 70 (20--100), 100(20--120), and 120 (50--200) muA, respectively. On comparison of the amplitude-temporal characteristics of inhibition of evoked potentials during electrical stimulation of the above-mentioned structures by a current of twice the threshold strength, no significant differences were found. Immediately after the end of electrical stimulation the amplitude of the cortical evolved potential and the post-synpatic components of the thalamic evoked potential was 50--60% (P less than 0.01) below the control values. The duration of this depression varied from 0.5 to 1 sec. An increase in the intensity of electrical stimulation of brain-stem structures to between three and five times the threshold led to depression of the presynaptic component of the thalamic evoked potential also. Depression of the evoked potential as described above was found with various ratios between the intensities of conditioning and testing stimuli.

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