
This article proposes emotion models of three disorders built upon the sequencing of shame (depression) or anger and shame (aggression and bipolarity). The models are based largely upon a systematic study by Helen Block Lewis of 150 psychotherapy sessions word by word. First described is her use of the Gottschalk method that systematically located words that imply emotions, then three of her findings: the large number of shame episodes, the seeming unawareness of them by both client and therapist, and finally the way that shame events often sequence into either withdrawal or anger. Her emphasis on shame was and still is unusual, since modern societies try to hide shame. If the idea of sequences from shame is expanded to the point of cybernetic feedback loops, it may help explain the causal processes of depression, bipolar disorder and aggression. To the extent that this model is correct, it would suggest that therapy for all three disorders would be similar: helping the patient to locate, discuss and resolve his/her hidden shame.

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