
An ideal sedimentary sequence from the Rose Run Formation consists of three facies in the following order: (1) algal laminated/stromatolite facies, (2) bioturbated dolomite facies, and (3) crossbedded sandstone facies. The algal laminated/stromatolite facies is composed of fine to very fine crystalline dolomite with laminations 2-4 cm thick. Also observed in this facies are mudcracks. The bioturbated dolomite facies is a fine to medium crystalline dolomite with an average of 10% clastic constituents such as quartz, orthoclase, microcline, and glauconite. Bioturbation in this facies ranges from slight to well with burrows 0.5-3 cm in diameter. Other structures observed include rip-up clasts, pelloids, and oncolites. The cross-bedded sandstone facies is characterized by low-angle crossbedded, fine- to coarse-grained sandstones. This sandstone has on the average 79% quartz, 12% orthoclase, 6% microcline, 1% detridal chert, and 1-2% glauconite. The heavy mineral fraction consists of tourmaline and zircon in {approximately}1% concentrations. The grains are subrounded to rounded with a size range of 0.15-0.30 mm. Sedimentary structures include rip-up clasts, current ripples, herringbone crossbedding, and herringbone imbricate rip-up clasts.

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