
Abstract Shattered pellet injection is of the most attractive way to mitigate the plasma disruption in fusion research facilities up to now. DIII-D has already utilized it and achieved very positive results. ITER has decided to adopt this technology for the DMS (disruption mitigation system) for PFPO-1 (Pre-Fusion Power Operation phase 1). The validation between simulation code and experiment, and continuous engineering development need to be carried out to meet the DMS’s requirement and reliability. KSTAR (Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research) is a possible candidate to test the urgent issues of plasma disruption for ITER. KSTAR can install two injectors in toroidal opposite positions. For this work, ORNL (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) will provide the two injectors, the shatter tubes and auxiliary systems. NFRI (National Fusion Research Institute) is preparing the infrastructure of a pumping system, control and data acquisition system, and arranging the location of diagnostic and the heating systems. This presentation describes the basic requirements and the engineering challenges to be solved for successful deployment and operation of multiple SPI injectors in 2019.

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