
The concept of fractal propagation, through the deployment of computer numerical controlled devices, has been discussed in this paper. For experimentation purposes, four of the most well known fractal patterns namely, Sierpinski gasket, Barnsley fern, Fractal tree and Koch snowflake curve have been chosen. This work shows the practical reproduction of before mentioned fractals on a physical media by deploying a 3-axis CNC plotter, as a part of the hardware, after proper python implementation as a part of the software. The mathematics and algorithm used in the production of the fractals have been discussed in detail and the method of deployment involves vectorisation of the fractals into a set of coordinates which are then passed on to the 3 axis CNC plotter plotter for production of the final output on a larger drawing surface. This paper aims at combining the individual concepts of fractal propagation and robotics in order to produce tangible fractal illustrations.

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