
Military and prehospital medical organizations invest significant resources to advance the treatment of trauma patients aiming to reduce preventable deaths. Focus is on hemorrhage control and volume resuscitation with blood products, with adoption of Remote Damage Control Resuscitation (RDCR) guidelines. The Israel Defense Forces Medical Corps (IDF-MC) has been using tranexamic acid and freeze-dried plasma (FDP) as part of its RDCR protocol for more than a decade. In recent years, low-titer group O whole blood (LTOWB) has been integrated, on IDF evacuation helicopters and expanded to mobile ambulances, complementing FDP use in treating trauma patients in state of profound shock. During the war that erupted in October 2023, the IDF-MC made a decision to bring LTOWB forward, and to equip every combat brigade level mobile intensive care units with LTOWB, onboard armored vehicles. The goal was to make whole blood available as close as possible to the point of injury and within minutes from time of injury. We describe the IDF-MCs' efforts to bring LTOWB to the front lines and present four cases in which LTOWB was administered. All patients were young male, with significant blood loss following penetrating injuries. One patient died in the operating room, following hospital arrival and emergency thoracotomy. The others survived. Our initial experience with bringing LTOWB as close as possible to the point of injury during high intensity fighting is encouraging, showing patient benefit along with logistic feasibility. After action reports and data collection will continue.

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