
The use of the enzyme tryptophan side-chain oxidase, isolated from Pseudomonas XA, was explored in 3 patients with refractory acute lymphocytic leukemia. Patients were given either a low-tryptophan diet or tryptophan-free hyperalimentation, prior to and during therapy. Their plasma, separated by pheresis, was continuously passed through a tryptophan depletion column containing the immobilized tryptophan side-chain oxidase. Up to 4 plasma volumes were passed through the column daily, 5 days per week for 2-3 weeks, and plasma tryptophan levels, both free and total, were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography. Pre- and postcolumn plasma samples were collected throughout the pheresis procedure. All postcolumn plasma samples had unmeasurable tryptophan levels throughout the treatment period, whereas precolumn samples were always measurable. Generally, tryptophan levels of plasma isolated from peripheral blood decreased after therapy, but rebounded by the next day. The enzyme depletion column reduces circulating plasma tryptophan levels, and its use is well tolerated by patients. However, further development of this method will require study of the effects of diet and of the duration, interval, and frequency of use of this column on therapeutic efficacy. Problems include difficulties with extended diet compliance and apparently intensive mobilization of tryptophan from body stores, which may preclude the clinical application of this enzyme depletion column.

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