
Large dense-cored vesicles (60–100 nm in diameter) have been assessed electronmicroscopically in terminal parasympathetic axons at acinar neuro-effector sites in rat parotid glands. Their numbers in control unstimulated glands have been compared with those in the contralateral glands of the same animals after prolonged nerve stimulation. Bilateral postganglionic sympathectomy had been undertaken 4–6 weeks previously to remove adrenergic axons from the glands. Stimulation of the postganglionic parasympathetic nerve to the gland—the auriculotemporal nerve—for 80 min at 40 Hz caused a significant depletion of large dense-cored vesicles from the terminal axons. This depletion corresponded in time and magnitude to the depletion of vasoactive intestinal peptide and substance P from the glands that had been found previously to occur under identical conditions. This adds support to the belief that the neuropeptides are stored in such vesicles and that these vesicles release their contents at neuro-effector sites as a result of propagated impulse formation in the axons.

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