
Explaining fundamentals of application of cable bolting for a thick seam depillaring, this paper summarizes the results of field studies conducted during adoption of this approach in more than fifteen panels of Madhusudanpur 7 pit and incline mine. Nearly 7.0m thick Kajora top coal seam of this mine is developed on pillars along the floor horizon to an average height of 3.0m, leaving a coal band of around 4.0m along the roof. Analysis of procured core samples showed that roof strata are easily caveable with a caveability index value of around 2000 only. Easily caveable overlying strata and shallow depth of cover alleviated most of the expected strata mechanics problems of the thick seam mining. However, extraction of total thickness at shallow cover caused differential-subsidence and cracks on the surface. These manifestations were immediately tackled to avoid creation of a breathing path for spontaneous heating in the extracted area.

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