
Studying the biological and nutritional value of the meat of Tuvinian short-fattailed sheep is a relevant task. Tuvinian sheep combine good meat qualities. The article presents the data about the biological and nutritive value of the meat of Tuvinian short-fattailed rams with various types of feeding behavior. For its taste, due to the low content of cholesterol in the fat, lamb meat belongs to dietary products. The highest gain in the muscle tissue is observed in calves of 4 – 6 months of age. When compared to veal, by the content of protein in boneless meat, lamb meat is slightly inferior, but in fat and energy content is superior. Lamb meat protein contains more essential amino acids, such as arginine, tryptophan, threonine than veal. Types of sheep feeding behavior are inheritable. The first behavior type is called strong fast-growing balanced (group I), the second – strong fast-growing unbalanced (group II), the third – weak slow-growing (group III). Sheep of the calm type eat the fodder and assimilate nutrients better, and their consumption of feed per unit of product is lower, and feed efficiency is higher by 28 – 33 %. In the meat of the rams of the behavior type III, the moisture content is 63.8 %, while in group I, it is lower by 2.3 %; in group I, the highest fat content is observed – 17.0 %, which is higher by 1.2 % and 1.6 % than in the behavior groups II and III. By the mass fraction of protein and ash, no significant differences are found. In the studied types of behavior, the relation between the content of fat and protein is not so obvious; however, an increased fat content results in a decreased protein content. The energy value of 100 g of minced lamb meat in feeding behavior group I is 227 kcal, or 949.85 kJ, which is higher by 12 kcal, or 50.25 kJ than in type II, and higher by 15.2 kcal, or 63.66 kJ than in type III, respectively. The amino acids ratio is one of the criteria of meat nutritional value. The protein quality indicator of the muscle tissues (PQI) in seven-months old rams of type II is higher than in the groups of feeding behavior types I and III. A specific and quite clear correlation has been found between the amino acid composition of lamb meat and its organoleptic properties, depending on the type of rams feeding behavior.

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